Four-part grinder - Dope Bros Amsterdam Rasta

Four-part grinder - Dope Bros Amsterdam Rasta

Four-part, metal grinder branded by Dope Bros Amsterdam. Rasta theme.

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 (4,5/5)  - 2 rating(s) - 1 review(s)
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Four-part grinder - Dope Bros Amsterdam Rasta

Four-part, metal grinder branded by Dope Bros Amsterdam. Rasta theme, top of grinder is transparent (glass).
The fourth chamber is the place where the finely ground pollen is collected, sieved by a mesh placed inside the grinder.
Small, plastic shovel is attached, which makes it easier to extract collected pollen.

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Dope Bros
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By on  06 Aug. 2019 (Four-part grinder - Dope Bros Amsterdam Rasta) :
By on  25 March 2019 (Four-part grinder - Dope Bros Amsterdam Rasta) :
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